In-Stream Habitat Restoration
Wood Placement to Benefit Fish, Amphibians, Beavers, and More
The log structures will also help collect leaves and sticks that serve as food for animals, provide refuge for fish during low water and warmer water temperatures in summer, and refuge from high flows in the winter.

Native species support
Turtle Habitat
On the Calapooia upstream from Brownsville, Council staff and contractors placed 15 logs for turtle basking, excavated pond margins to improve habitat, and used a local soil/gravel mix to create two nesting mounds within 100 feet of pond. With the project completed, we’re excited to hear that there have already been turtle sightings in the area by the neighbors of this property. Crews also worked to remove noxious weeds from 24 acres surrounding the pond project and re-planted with native trees and shrubs in January 2015

On Courtney Creek, CWC hired Bio Surveys LLC to conduct a Rapid Bio Assessment on 5.5 miles of upper Courtney Creek to find out what trout species live there and get an idea of the total trout population. Great news from the survey is that the snorkel crew found many large adult cutthroat holding in the deeper pools on Courtney Creek! This snorkel effort was conducted in anticipation of fish habitat work (log placement.)