sub-basin habitat restoration
Brush Creek Restoration
Brush Creek 20-Year Stream Temperature Monitoring – a partnership with Oregon Department of Agriculture
The Calapooia WC began a 20-year partnership in 2017 with the Oregon Department of Agriculture to monitor changes in stream temperature in Brush Creek, an important tributary of the Calapooia River and the location of multiple habitat restoration projects led by the CWC. The goal of the monitoring partnership is to gather long-term stream temperature data on agricultural lands in small watersheds. Then, compare stream temperature changes to changes in streamside vegetation that result from riparian enhancements.
Over the 20-year monitoring partnership, multiple temperature loggers will be placed in Brush Creek, along with periodic vegetation surveys, to assess the impact these projects have on aquatic systems. Stream temperatures can be influenced by multiple factors including: streamside vegetation, air temperatures, and stream flows. Over time, streamside vegetation can help reduce the rate of stream heating by providing shade, helping make streams narrower and deeper, and increasing water storage in the soil for cooler and later season flows.

The Council and its partners – Linn County Road Department, BLM, private landowners, and private industry including Cascade Timber Consulting Inc., Rosboro Lumber and Melcher Lumber- have focused restoration and conservation activities in the high priority sub-basin, Brush Creek, over the last ten years.

Habitat Restoration Program Manager Cris Salazar and R. Franco Restoration successfully installed 10,000 native plants along the banks of the Calapooia River and Brush Creek to enhance and rebuild healthy riparian buffers.

our focus
Progress made by CWC includes:
All high priority fish passage barriers have been restored
as identified by the Council’s Fish Passage Assessment (OWEB, 2004)
6 miles of in-stream aquatic habitat enhanced
with over 75 wood jam structures (400+ logs) on BLM, private resident and private timber industry land
Riparian buffer restoration & CREP enrollment at 7 large private landowner properties
along with pasture management improvements and exclusion fencing through the Regional Restoration Program
2006 ODFW Fish Habitat Surveys- BRUSH CREEK REPORT, CHILDERS CREEK REPORT (major Brush tributary)
2013 – 2014 Calapooia Basin RBA Snorkel Survey Brief- Pre and Post Inventory Report