Investigate the Watershed with Stream Study Kits
The Calapooia Watershed Council’s Youth Education Program is now offering a variety of Stream Study Kits available to Linn County teachers for check-out. These kits are designed to help you get kids outdoors and engaged in learning about watershed science. Conduct a stream bank vegetation assessment with the Riparian Study Kit. Measure and compare levels of dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and temperature in a stream or other body of water using the Water Quality Study Kit. Catch aquatic insects and other small critters to gauge the health of a stream using the Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Study Kit. Oregon State University also offers an inventory of equipment for teacher loan.
The kits include:
Riparian Study Kit (2)
1 100 foot measuring tape
1 Trees to Know in Oregon book
1 Clinometer
4 Compasses
1 Clinometer
1 Riparian Ecosystem Field Study guide and data sheets
Water Quality Study Kit (3)
1 Thermometer
1 Dissolved Oxygen testing kit (titration method)
1 Waste water jar
1 Turbidity testing tube
5 Safety googles
1 Bag disposable gloves
1 Water quality field study guide and data sheets
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Study Kit (2)
2 Kicknets
1 Large white tub
1 Small fish net
2 Ice cube trays
1 Turkey baster for moving specimens
2 Sets tolerance level ID cards
1 Set macroinvertebrate ID flashcards
3 Magnifying lens magnifier
1 Macrolens
1 Aquatic macroinvertebrate field study guide and data sheets
Other items for loan:
- 20 pairs of rubber boots
- 2 low-power microscopes useable outdoors with batteries
Many thanks to the Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program and the City of Albany for making these kits possible.
For more information or to reserve a kit for your class, contact Kristen Daly, 541 466 3493,